Ethical Guidelines

Ethical guidelines for authors

All texts submitted by authors must be personally created by them, fully original, and must not infringe third party copyrights. All assumptions, theories, and fragments of texts by other authors used in such texts must be indicated by the author together with their creator’s name and the title of the work (the author shall sign an appropriate agreement with the publisher of The Journal of the Kórnik Library, confirming their conformity with this particular principle).

Authors are also obliged to inform the editor if the submitted work has already been published elsewhere in full or in part. The work must not be simultaneously submitted for publication to other journals.

All persons who creatively and directly contributed to the creation of the work (e.g. developed its concept, carried out research, or wrote its draft) must be included on the list of authors. All the authors listed must accept the text and take responsibility for it. In the case of co-authorship, the editors will contact the main author of the text who will be responsible for notifying co-authors of the editors’ comments.

The list of authors must not include any persons who have not contributed to the creation of the work.

The author shall inform the editors of any persons and institutions which in view of a conflict of interest should not participate in the reviewing process.

The author shall disclose information about sources of financing and the participation of institutions contributing to the creation of the work.

Ethical guidelines for reviewers

The basic criterion behind the selection of reviewers for The Journal of the Kórnik Library is their professional competence and qualifications.

The reviewer should inform the editors of a conflict of interest, if any (resulting from cooperation or any other mutual relations with authors).

The basic criterion behind the review of works is their academic quality and the topic that must be consistent with the profile of the journal. Elements of the text evaluation are described in detail in the review survey.

Reviewers are strictly obliged to notify the editors of all and every abuse discovered in the work, including plagiarisms.

Reviewers must not appropriate the contents and ideas of the works under their review or disclose them to third parties.

Ethical guidelines for the editors

Texts are admitted and rejected by the editors of The Journal of the Kórnik Library solely on the basis of their academic quality and consistence with the profile of the journal. No other factors (including one’s personal attitude to the author, his/her gender, origin, nationality, sexual orientation or any other features) shall be taken into consideration.

Editors endeavour to ensure the appropriate selection of reviewers, taking into account their scholarly qualifications and avoiding any potential conflict of interest.

Editors shall comply with the rules related to plagiarism and copyrights adopted by the journal.

If unethical conduct is suspected (such as plagiarism, ghostwriting, or adding or omitting persons on the list of authors), the editors shall first attempt to explain the situation to the person suspected of such conduct. If their response is not satisfactory, the heads of the unit by which a given person is affiliated shall be informed about the matter. Due information shall also be provided to the Commission of Ethics in Science operated by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Works entrusted to the editors shall not be shown to any third parties; full confidentiality shall also be maintained as to the selection of reviewers.

In the case of any controversies between the editors and an author or reviewer, attempts shall be exercised to explain them amicably. If necessary, the editors shall be ready to publish any due corrections, explanations and apologies in the Journal, unless they consider them unjustified or are unable to do so for other, convincing reasons.


All complaints concerning the work of the particular editors should be directed directly to them in writing, and in the absence of a satisfying solution to the journal’s Editorial Board. If it appears impossible to solve a controversy, the dispute shall be forwarded to the Commission of Ethics in Science operated by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Guidelines for the publisher

The publisher shall make sure that all the principles concerning publishing ethics and publishing standards are strictly complied with.

Texts shall be admitted solely on the basis of their academic quality as confirmed by the reviewers’ opinions. Factors such as one’s race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, political views or any other non-substantial aspects shall not be taken into consideration.

The list of authors shall specify all the persons who creatively contributed to the creation of the work.

The publisher shall make every effort to exclude a conflict of interest between the editors, reviewers and authors.

The publisher shall respect publishing secrecy, i.e. shall not disclose any information on the works entered, the reviewers’ names or their assessments to people not participating in the publishing process.

If after the publication of their work the author finds significant errors, deficiencies or inaccuracies in the text (of which they were not aware at the stage of writing), they should promptly inform the editorial board or the publisher to agree on a further course of action.


If after the publication of the work plagiarism, copyright infringement, falsification of research results or other unethical conduct is suspected, the publisher, acting in accord with the editorial board, shall take all measures to explain the situation. This may result in the publication of a corrigendum, withdrawal of the text or referring the case to the Committee on Ethics in Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.