Text review principles

  • The submitted papers are subject to preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board.
  • After positive evaluation, each text is submitted, without the name of its authors, to two peer reviewers so-called double-blind review. Reviews are made in writing.
  • Names of peer reviewers are not disclosed to authors.
  • If text alterations are necessary, the reviewers’ opinion together with their guidelines, but without their names being disclosed, is provided to the author of the article.

Article review criteria

  • Does the content of the paper fit the thematic profile of “Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej”?

– Is the paper an original work, i.e. one that has not been published elsewhere in parts or in full?

– To what extent is the paper innovative and exploratory; does it present any new findings or interpretations, does it introduce the latest materials to the scientific circulation?

– To what degree does the paper take into account the current state of knowledge on a given topic and source materials?

Structure of the paper

– Have the theses been clearly defined and appropriately hierarchized?

– Are interpretations and conclusions correct?

– Is the topic adequate to the contents?

Form of the paper

– Is the text correct from the language point of view?

– Does it contain any repetitions or excessive wordiness?

– Does the abstract aptly reflect the main theses and their justification?