Publishing policy

The publisher (PAN Biblioteka Kórnicka) acts on the basis of copyright and the Creative Commons Attribution – NoDerivatives 4.0 licence (CC BY-ND 4.0).

Upon the acceptance of a work for publication in the Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej, its author shall transfer his/her economic rights to it to the publisher.

After one year from the publication of the work in print, its author shall have the right to publish the article in its published version in the virtual space in compliance with CC BY ND rules. Places appropriate for self-archiving shall include web portals collecting scientific publications in consistence with open access principles and relevant websites (such as open access repositories, repositories of scientific publications, repositories of financing institutions, institutional repositories, employers’ websites [in compliance with one’s affiliation], the author’s individual website, discipline-specific repositories, social networks, etc.).

If the Library publishes the work online before the lapse of one year, the above waiting period shall no longer apply.